2013 National Championship

Congratulations ACT TKD!

For a super-successful Nationals!


Medal Tally 2013

The ACT Team 2013 NATIONALS medal tally.

25 First Place Gold

24 Silver Medals

16 Bronze Medals

65 Total Medals!

A massive haul to the ACT TKD team!

ACT had 9 athletes win gold in their TAPs divisions.

2 Junior Sparring
5 Open Sparring
2 Individual Senior Poomsae

Thank You!

A great many thank you’s are in order as it took much effort from a large number of people to make this event as successful as it was.



ACT got the highest medal count as a club, with 65 medals and 5 trophies!

Nationals is a high level competition, so thank you to all competitors for trying your hardest to do your best and making ACT TKD proud!

Support Team & Parents

Thanks very much to everyone who came up to support the team! The day would definitely not have been as successful without you – it’s just fantastic to have so much support! A special thank you to parents being there to share the experience.

Coaching Team & Helpers

As always, coaches and helpers deserve a big thank you for coming along and helping the competitors! Your help and efforts in making sure the day runs smoothly is always appreciated! Thanks to everyone who helped each other throughout the day by making sure they were ready for the fight/patterns and supporting them.

Volunteers and Judges

This event could not have been done without you!

We had dozens of comments about how wonderful and friendly the volunteers were! Everyone was saying that this was the best experience with volunteers. Thank you to all of the Judges who had spent all day on the judge tables doing there best to deliver the best for the athletes.


Thank you everyone for making ACT TKD such a great team!

Everyone’s friendliness and assistance in making the event a success was just wonderful.