2011 Grading Extravaganva

2011 Grading Extravaganva

2011 is almost to a close and with it, comes the end of year gradings for clubs around the ACT!

IMPACT Martial Arts is set to hold their last gradings for the year from Monday 19th December to Wednesday 21st December. As always, they are expecting large numbers to their gradings with last terms grading having over hundreds of people in attendance!

To celebrate the end of year gradings, below are some of the photos taken at IMPACT’s Term 3 grading.

White Belts













MD Group Photo

IMPACT Mighty Dragon’s Presentation Night, Term 3 2011

Extreme Teens Grading

IMPACT Extreme Teens Grading, Term 3 2011

Challenge Grading

IMPACT Challenge Grading, Term 3 2011

To view more photos, visit IMPACT’s Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/tryIMPACT